Printer Not Activated Error Code 20: Simple Troubleshooting Steps

Have you ever encountered with the “Printer not Activated Error Code 20” while upgrading your Windows system or using QuickBooks software? don’t worry! This error is common and can occur due to various reasons, such as outdated programs or software issues. The good news is that you can easily troubleshoot and resolve this problem by following a few simple steps. In this guide, you will find effective troubleshooting methods to fix the Printer Not Activated Error Code 20. Follow the instructions carefully to resolve the issue. Let’s dive into the reliable solutions for this problem.
Reasons Behind the Printer Not Activated Error Code -20?
The error code -20 for Printer Not Activated can occur for several reasons. One common scenario is when upgrading your Windows operating system, which may lead to the printer not being activated. Additionally, this error can occur when attempting to send or receive emails as PDFs or while using the QuickBooks software program. To resolve this issue, one approach is to delete the program key from the registry settings.
Troubleshooting for Error Code -20: Printer Not Activated
Just like every problem has a solution, this problem can also be resolved. You can resolve the Printer Not Activated Error Code 20 by following the simple instructions we’ve provided below. Verify that your printer and computer are safely connected before moving on to the next step and following the instructions. Make sure you’ve selected the appropriate printer. It’s also advised that to get a registry backup and restore your device before moving on to the troubleshooting stages.
To create a registry backup, adhere to the procedures below:
- “Registry editor” needs to be typed in.
- Go to “computers.”
- Choose “File”
- After selecting Exports, click Save.
- Create a “system restore point” right away.
- Navigate to the start menu.
- Search system repairs. From this menu, you will get a choice or option to create a new shop point.
- From Local Disc C, locate “protection settings” and enable it on when the system properties box displays.
- Click the “Ok” button.
- You’ve created yours restore points.
1. Windows software updates
It is advised to upgrade to the most recent version of Windows in order to printer’s smooth operation, as an older version may hinder your printer job. Along with updating the printer’s firmware and software, you can update the Windows operating system by going to the manufacturer’s website. These actions will aid in enhancing the printer’s functionality and compatibility with your computer.
2. Set the printer to default settings
To make your printer the primary printing device, adhere to these steps:
- Select the Start menu item.
- Turn on “Control Panel.”
- Click to select “Devices and Printer”.
- Right-clicking is now required on the name of your printer.
- From the menu, choose “Set as default printer”.
- When you’re done, restart your device.
3. Reinstall QuickBooks
If you encounter printer problems after installing the QuickBooks program, you must uninstall it and then reinstall it. Sometimes, rather than the printer, the program itself creates problems.
The steps you need to follow are as follows:
- Go to the “Control Panel” section.
- Click “Programs and Features.”
- Locate the QuickBooks application.
- Click to uninstall the program.
After uninstalling the software from your PC, you can reinstall it by visiting the QuickBooks optional website. After reinstalling the program, Your HP Printer is Not Activated Error Code 20 should be resolved.
4. Give consent utilizing PowerShell
To solve the problem, try using PowerShell. To use it, you must perform the following actions:
- In the Windows search box, type “Powershell”.
- Then, from the shortcut menu, choose “Powershell” and press “Run it as administrator.”
- Press Enter after entering the following command into Powershell.
“PowerShell.exe -NoProfile -NoLogo -NonInteractive -Command “$key = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]:: CurrentConfig.OpenSubKey(‘Software’,[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKeyPermissionCheck]:: ReadWriteSubTree,[System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights]:: ChangePermissions); $acl =$key.GetAccessControl(); $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule (‘Users’,’ FullControl’,’ ObjectInherit, ContainerInherit’,’ None’,’ Allow’); $acl.SetAccessRule($rule); $key.SetAccessControl($acl)”;””.
5. Start the printer diagnostic program.
If the printer is not activated error code 20 is still giving you difficulties, run the printer troubleshooter to automatically fix the issue. A software called a printer troubleshooter, assists in fixing printing related issues. To run the printer troubleshooter, adhere to the directions below:
- Enter “troubleshoot” into the Windows search field, then click the corresponding icon.
- Click “Troubleshoot.”
- Launch the software to resolve the issue by selecting “Printer”.
- Continue by following the instructions on-screen as the troubleshooter seeks out and fixes your problem.
- When you’re done, restart your device to see if the problem has been resolved.
6. The steps reinstall the USB composite device are as follows:
- Using the Windows + R key, open the window in order to install USB composite device.
- Enter the command “devmgmt.msc” to launch the Device Manager.
- Enlarge the section titled “Universal Serial Bus Controllers”
- “Uninstall” can be chosen by performing a right-click on the USB composite device.
- To confirm the action, click “Ok”.
- Restart your device after disconnecting your USB cable from your computer.
- Install the most recent printer software and drivers after reconnecting the USB wire.
Close all open windows, then continue printing with the same program.
7. System cleaning for Windows.
Damaged or corrupted Windows registry is another potential cause of Printer not Activated Error Code 20 on your device. A database called Windows Registry contains crucial information about the settings and data of Windows. If the program used to read the Windows registry keys is corrupted or broken, Windows cannot read the registry settings. Try these simple steps to solve the Printer Not Activated Error Code 20 problem.
Open Run box.
- Enter “Regedit” in the Run window, then click “OK” to open the Registry Editor.
- Go to the registry’s “HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG” folder.
- Right-click on the software and choose the “permission” option.
- On the screen, the “Permissions for Software” window will display.
- Verify that the administrator and the customer have complete access or control. If not, check the box labeled “Allow” to allow access.
- Hit the “Apply” button.
- Click “OK” to save the changes.
- To implement the changed registry permissions, restart your computer.
Final Thoughts
These simple and quick troubleshooting techniques ought to help you in fixing the Printer Not Activated Error Code 20 problem on your system. If you are still unable to utilize the printer services because of an activation error, we urge you to contact the printer experts for more detailed advice. The specialists can provide the most appropriate fix for the issue as well as useful recommendations to enhance your printing experience.